How To Apply For Minnesota SNAP Benefits
View the information below if you are interested in applying for a EBT card in Minnesota. It is important that you have all the documentation and information needed so the application process is not delayed. If you still have questions or issues about applying for food stamps, known as SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), then you can call the Minnesota SNAP hotline at 800-657-3698. The department that handles this program is called the Minnesota Department of Human Services.
SNAP, formerly know as Food Stamps, helps Minnesotans with low incomes get the food they need for nutritious and well-balanced meals. The program provides support to help stretch your household food budget. It is not intended to meet all of your household's food needs. It is a supplement.
Minnesota food stamp eligibility requirements
SNAP eligibility depends on your household's income. Most types of income are counted. There are many deductions from income that are allowed under SNAP. A county worker can give you more information on income limits and deductions. Households with an income at or below 165 percent of the federal poverty guideline that have also received the Domestic Violence Information Brochure will not have an asset limit for determining benefits. You can print the brochure from the link provided or ask for it at your county or tribal office. Then, just tell your county worker that you have received the brochure.
They have a online screening tool available that will ask a few questions to help you find out if you may qualify for SNAP. The screening tool only estimates your eligibility. The only way to know for sure if you qualify is to complete the application process
Emergency Minnesota SNAP
You may receive food benefits quickly if your household meets one of the following criteria, even if you had SNAP in another state during the month of application:
- Households with monthly gross income less than $150 and liquid assets less than $100
- Migrant or seasonal farm worker households that have low income and $100 or less in liquid assets
- Households in which the combined monthly gross income and liquid assets are less than their monthly housing costs and the applicable standard utility deduction, if applicable
The amount of benefits you get is based on your income, expenses and the number of people in your household. If approved for the program, you will get an Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card. It is like a debit card. Each month, your benefits will be credited to your EBT account. SNAP is a supplemental program. Your household is expected to spend about 30 percent of your income on food. The amount of benefits you can get depends on the number of people in your household and their income.
Apply for Minnesota food stamp benefits
You can apply for the Mnnesota SNAP program online at You can also download the Combined Application Form (English version - Spanish version) for families and people under age 60, individuals and couples who are 60 or older should use the one-page Senior SNAP Application. Mail or bring the completed form to your local county or tribal office.
When your benefits begin depends on the date the county receives your application through ApplyMN or the first page of the paper application. The county cannot decide if you will get benefits until you complete the entire application and provide required verification's. You will also need to complete an interview with a county worker. For some emergency situations, you could get benefits within five working days of your application. When applying, they will require the following documents:
- Identity of applicant or authorized representative (driver's license, state ID, passport, etc.)
- Social Security numbers of all people applying for help
- Residency in Minnesota (state ID, lease agreement, etc.)
- Income (paystubs, pension, etc.) or any other money coming into your household (unemployment,
sponsor income, etc.). The agency will verify Social Security income - Housing costs (rent/house payment receipt, mortgage, lease, etc.)
- Medical costs (prescription and medical bills, etc.)
For most programs, you must provide a Social Security number (SSN) for each household member applying for
benefits. If you need a SSN they can help you apply for one. The state uses your SSN:
- To check identity, prevent duplicate participation and to make mass changes
- To determine SNAP eligibility
- For program reviews and audits to determine household eligibility, including fraud investigations
- To coordinate with other programs or state agencies to provide more effective and meaningful services to you
If you need assistance with applying for Minnesota food stamp benefits you can contact your county or tribal office. Find the nearest SNAP outreach partner by calling the Minnesota Food HelpLine at 651-486-9860 in the Twin Cities metro area or 888-711-1151 outside the metro area.
Can someone else apply for me?
Yes, if you authorize someone to act on your behalf. It can be a friend, relative, person with power of attorney, or person appointed by the courts. You need to provide information about this person on your application. This person will then be approved as your authorized representative. They can then contact your worker, attend interviews for you, complete forms, provide document, file appeals and receive your food benefits to help keep track of it.
What if I can't come to the office for an interview?
If you cannot go to your county office for an interview, you can either:
- Request to be interviewed over the phone
- Have your authorized representative attend the interview for you
How long does it take after I apply to know if I qualify?
It depends on your situation. In most cases, your worker must notify you of a decision within 30 days. For some emergency situations, you could get benefits within 24 hours, or five working days from the day you file your application.
Non-citizen applicants
To get help from most public assistance programs, you must be in the United States legally. Members of your household who are not citizens and are applying for help must show proof of their immigration status. Give a copy of both sides of immigration cards or other documents that show immigration status for every household member who is not a US citizen and who is applying for help. You can apply and get help for other household members, even if you are not applying or if you are not eligible because of immigration status.
For non-citizen members of your household who apply and are eligible for help, your worker may do a computer match with the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to confirm the immigration status documents you give us are valid. They will not share information about you with the USCIS without your permission. If you get cash it may affect changes to your immigration status. If you would like more information or would like to know what the agency might tell or ask the USCIS, talk to your worker.
All immigration information you give to them is private. They use it to see if you can get help. They only share it when the law allows it or requires it. In most cases, applying will not affect your immigration status. You do not have to give them your immigration information if you are:
- Only helping someone else apply
- Applying for your children or other household members, but not yourself