How To Apply For Utah SNAP Benefits
View the information below if you are interested in applying for a EBT card in Utah. It is important that you have all the documentation and information needed so the application process is not delayed. If you still have questions or issues about applying for food stamps, known as SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), then you can call the Utah SNAP hotline at 866-526-3663. The department that handles this program is called the Utah Department of Workforce Services.
SNAP helps low-income people buy the food they need for good health. SNAP benefits are not cash. SNAP benefits are provided on an electronic card that is used like an ATM or bank card to buy food at most grocery stores.
Utah SNAP eligibility requirements
You may be eligible for the Utah Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) but you need to talk to an eligibility specialist about your eligibility.
- You are encouraged to apply for SNAP today
- Benefits start with the day of application
- Apply online at
- You may also apply at a employment center, or they can mail an application to you, however you may lose benefits due to mailing delays
- No documents are needed to file an application
- You may be eligible for expedited service (receiving SNAP within seven calendar days)
- Identity is the only verification you need if you are eligible for expedited SNAP
- You may turn in an incomplete application as long as it has your name, address and signature. However, the entire application must be completed in order for your eligibility for Utah SNAP to be determined
To find out if you qualify for Utah food stamps, use their online pre-screening tool.
Income and Resources
To figure out whether you qualify to receive Utah food stamps, DWS will add together your household's countable income and then subtract certain deductions. The income after deductions must fall below a certain dollar amount for your household to qualify for SNAP benefits. Some examples of income deductions are:
- 20% of your gross countable income
- A portion of your shelter costs
- Certain expenses you pay such as child support
Households need to meet income tests unless all members are receiving Family Employment Program (FEP), SSI or General Assistance. Most households must meet both the gross and net income tests, but a household with an elderly person or a person who is receiving certain types of disability payments only has to meet the net income test.
Household Size | Maximum gross Monthly Income Elderly/Disabled 165% of Poverty | Gross Monthly Income Limits 130% of Poverty | Net Monthly Income Limit 100% of Poverty | Maximum Monthly Allotment |
1 | $1,659 | $1,307 | $1,005 | $192 |
2 | $2,223 | $1,760 | $1,354 | $352 |
3 | $2,808 | $2,213 | $1,702 | $504 |
4 | $3,383 | $2,665 | $2,050 | $640 |
5 | $3,958 | $3,118 | $2,399 | $760 |
6 | $4,532 | $3,571 | $2,747 | $913 |
7 | $5,107 | $4,024 | $3,095 | $1,009 |
8 | $5,682 | $4,477 | $3,444 | $1,153 |
9 | $6,257 | $4,930 | $3,793 | $1,297 |
10 | $6,832 | $5,383 | $4,142 | $1,441 |
11 | $7,407 | $5,836 | $4,491 | $1,585 |
12 | $7,982 | $6,289 | $4,840 | $1,729 |
13 | $8,557 | $6,742 | $5,189 | $1,873 |
14 | $9,132 | $7,195 | $5,538 | $2,017 |
15 | $9,707 | $7,648 | $5,887 | $2,161 |
16 | $10,282 | $8,101 | $6,236 | $2,305 |
17 | $10,857 | $8,554 | $6,585 | $2,449 |
18 | $11,432 | $9,007 | $6,934 | $2,593 |
19 | $12,007 | $9,460 | $7,283 | $2,737 |
20 | $12,582 | $9,913 | $7,632 | $2,881 |
For each additional member: | $575 | $453 | $349 | $144 |
The household's total income per month cannot be more than 130% of poverty based on the households size. Gross income is your household's total income each month before taxes or any deductions have been made. Net income means gross income minus allowable deductions.
Resources such as bank accounts, cash, houses or land you own, and personal property can be counted in determining whether a household is eligible to get Utah SNAP. Some resources count toward the allowable limit and some are not. For example a car and any other motorized vehicle you own is not counted toward the resource limit. The eligibility specialist can answer questions about your resources and explain the resource policy. Any household may have up to $2,250 worth of countable resources besides monthly income and still qualify for SNAP. Households may have up to $3,250 worth of countable resources besides monthly income and still qualify for SNAP if at least one member is age 60 or older or disabled.
Apply for Utah food stamps
You can apply for SNAP online by going to Or if you prefer, you can download an application (English version - Spanish version), fill it out and submit it in person at your local employment center, or you can contact them and have them mail the application to you. Though that may cause delays in the application process.
Expedited SNAP service
The following households are entitled to expedited services:
- Households whose combined monthly gross income and liquid resources are less than the household's monthly utilities and rent or mortgage
- Households with less than $150 in monthly gross income and whose liquid resources (cash, savings, checking accounts, etc.) are no more than $100
- Some migrant and seasonal farm worker households
If you still have questions or issues about the application process, you can contact them by phone at 801-526-0950 or 866-435-7414 (toll free).
Utah food stamp work requirements
With some exceptions, those applying for or receiving SNAP must participate in the Employment and Training (E&T) Program in order to continue receiving assistance. The E&T Program helps individuals learn the skills needed to find work and increase household income. Participants are required to complete the following activities online at
- Register as a job seeker and complete a brief evaluation of personal job search readiness
- Based on results of the job search readiness evaluation, complete online workshops that cover helpful topics such as resume writing, interviewing and networking
- Make job contacts and keep an online log of job search progress
- To launch the SNAP Employment and Training Webshow, click here
Losing Benefits
Voluntary Reduction of Work Hours: If you decide to work fewer hours at a job, you may no longer be eligible to receive SNAP benefits.
Voluntary Quit: If you decide to quit a job, you may no longer be eligible to receive SNAP benefits.
People in a household must answer any questions an official asks to decide whether a person in the household is required to take part in the SNAP E&T Program and whether the rules about voluntary reduction of work hours and voluntary quit apply to that person. If anyone in your household refuses, without a good reason, to answer these questions, the person who is supposed to be following the work requirement will no longer be allowed to receive SNAP benefits.
Remember, you must follow all SNAP Work Requirements in order to continue receiving SNAP benefits. This includes doing the activities in your Family Employment Program (FEP) employment plan.
Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWD)
Able-bodied adults are those who are healthy and have not had a doctor diagnose a disability and who do not have dependent children living in their home. Utah SNAP allows able-bodied adults without dependent children to receive SNAP benefits for 3 months in a period of 36 months without participating in an able-bodied employment or training activity. After the initial three months, an able-bodied adult is required to participate in these activities unless they are exempt from participation. In order to continue receiving SNAP beyond 3 months, an Able-bodied adult must meet one of the following criteria:
- Meet a Federal work requirement exemption
- Be employed for at least 20 hours per week or an average of 80 hours per month
- Be enrolled in a training program for at least 20 hours per week
- A combination of employment and enrolled in a training program for at least 20 hours per week
Utah food stamps for students
If you are an able-bodied student between ages 18 and 49 who is enrolled in a college or other higher-education institution at least half time, you will probably not be eligible to receive SNAP benefits. However, students may be able to receive SNAP benefits if they meet certain requirements. If you are a student, your eligibility specialist can answer questions about whether you can receive SNAP benefits.
If you are not a US citizen you still may be eligible if you are a "qualified" immigrant. This includes Permanent Legal Residents (holders of green cards), refugees, asylees (an individual who has been granted asylum), people granted withholding of deportation or removal, Cuban/Haitian entrants, individuals paroled into the US for a least one year by immigration authorities, conditional entrants (temporary green card), and certain victims of domestic violence and Victims of Human Trafficking. You will have to show proof of your income, resources, and meet all other criteria for each program to be eligible.
Your immigration status will not be reported to immigration authorities. Your immigration status information will only be used to check whether you are eligible for SNAP, Financial Assistance, Child Care or Medicaid. Immigration authorities cannot use this information to deport you unless there is a criminal violation involved.
With the exception of Child care, your kids can get benefits even if you don't have US immigration documents. You may apply for benefits for your kids who were born in the US, are permanent residents, or qualify for special immigration status. You will have to show proof of your income, resources, and meet all other criteria for each program to be eligible.