How To Apply For New Jersey SNAP Benefits
View the information below if you are interested in applying for a EBT card in New Jersey. It is important that you have all the documentation and information needed so the application process is not delayed. If you still have questions or issues about applying for food stamps, known as SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), then you can call the New Jersey SNAP hotline at 800-792-9773. The department that handles this program is called the New Jersey Department of Human Services.
Sometimes people feel they shouldn't need help putting food on the table, but sometimes making ends meet is a struggle. If you are not sure how or if you can pay for your next meal or next week's groceries, NJ SNAP can help. NJ SNAP, formerly food stamps, is New Jersey's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program that can help low-income families buy the groceries they need to eat healthy.
New Jersey food stamp eligibility
Eligibility depends on several factors like income, household size, resources, etc.
Gross Monthly Income Eligibility Standard (185% of FPL)
Household Size | Max Allowable Income |
1 | $1,860 |
2 | $2,504 |
3 | $3,149 |
4 | $3,793 |
5 | $4,437 |
6 | $5,082 |
7 | $5,726 |
8 | $6,371 |
Each additional member | +$645 |
How to apply for New Jersey food stamps
You can use their online pre-screening tool for NJ SNAP or other social service programs. This is a quick and easy way to find out if you might be able to get help. With the online application, you will spend less time in the office for your interview (If you are unable to get to the county Board of Social Services due to illness or disability, you may send an authorized representative on your behalf or request a telephone interview).You may also submit your application by fax or mail to your local County Welfare Office. After your application is received, you will be contacted to schedule an interview to confirm your application information. Also, please note households in which all members are applicants for or recipients of Supplemental Security Income (SSI), may apply for NJ SNAP at the Social Security District office at the same time you apply for SSI. NJ SNAP Benefits are issued through the easy-to-use "Families First" electronic benefits card.
You can apply for the NJ SNAP program online at If you prefer, you can apply in person at your local County Welfare Agency. You will need to fill out an application and bring various supporting documents with you, listed below. If you have any questions or issues when applying for New Jersey food stamps, you can call the NJ SNAP hotline at 800-687-9512.
You must prove who you say you are. List everyone in your household, even if you are not applying for them. For the household Members included in this application, one of the following must be provided:
- Birth Certificate Driver's License
- Old Food Stamp ID
- School Photo ID
- Work Photo ID
You must provide a Social Security Number for all household members included in this application. You must prove where you live (unless you are homeless). For example, you must bring:
- Current rent receipt (with landlord's name and phone number, your mailing address, and amount of rent)
- Current rental assistance (HUD) agreement
- Current mortgage statement and/or tax bill
- Current lease
If you are not able to work, for medical reasons, you must provide a doctor's note. If you are not a US citizen, you must provide a current I-94 or current I-551 (green card).
Resources: In most cases, they do not count resources unless you receive income from them. You must provide records, statements or proof of their current value:
- Bank account (savings/checking)
- Recreational vehicle(s) such as a boat or motor home
- Savings bond
- Trust fund
- Money in a credit union
- Christmas Club
Income: You must verify the source, amount and how often you receive it.
Earned Income: Your pay stubs for the prior month, showing gross wages and deductions. If you are self-employed, use last year's tax records.
Unearned Income:
- Copy of award letter for pension or VA
- Copy of interest statement from bank savings account
- Letter from employer stating amount of private disability
- Child Support - copy of court order or letter from absent parent
- Signed/dated letter from provider of any money you receive on a regular basis
Expenses: What you pay each month.
- Rent receipt
- Mortgage statement
- Property Taxes
- Home Owner's Insurance (if not included in your mortgage)
- Gas/Electric bill
- Phone bill
- Water/Sewer bill
- Coal/Wood/Oil bills
Medical Bills (those you pay on a regular basis). This information is needed only for those people over age 60 or people who are disabled.
Child Care: If you are paying for child care so you can work, go to job training or look for a job, you need a signed and dated letter from your child care provider with the following information:
- Name of child care provider
- Hourly fee
- Number of hours per week they provide child care
Child Support: If you are under a court order to pay child support and you are paying it, you need proof of the following:
- Who you pay
- Child(ren)'s name(s)
- Court order number